Fall Maintenance Ideas

Check Your Chimney

Fall is a great time to have your chimney cleaned and inspected. (However, expect delays as demand is high during the fall season!)

Seal It Up

Keep moisture and critters OUT, and keep warm air IN. Now is the time for critters to look for holes and spaces to move inside, so make sure your exterior is free from gaps to keep those unwanted houseguests out. During your exterior seal-up, also remember to remove all hoses from outdoor faucets. Dry out the hoses and store them in a garage or shed until spring. Removing them from the house will help prevent any cracks on pipes inside due to frozen water.


Clean Gutters & Check your Roof

99% of water damage is the cause of a simple fix! Take the time this fall to clean out your gutters and check your roof. If you don’t want to get up on a ladder, call in a professional. Your gutters are your best ally when it comes to moving moisture away from your home, so it’s critical to keep them free of obstruction.


Change Filters & Smoke Detectors

When you change your clocks, it is a great time to remember to change out furnace filters and check all CO2 and smoke detectors are working properly. Check your water softeners for sufficient salt as well because deferred maintenance can cost you tons in the long run.      


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